Bob Moses Conference
Fall 2025

Conference Overview
In the Mississippi theater of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, Bob learned that to change the system of oppression under which African Americans lived, the demand of farmers and day workers to register to vote, was made at the risk of their lives, was the necessary ingredient. It was that understanding, and the wisdom of Ella Baker, who admonished that “...for poor and oppressed people to become a part of society, the system under which we exist has to be radically changed...” that guided Bob, fellow SNCC* workers, and local Mississippians to mount an assault on the bricks and mortar of Jim Crow.
Bob carried those Mississippi lessons into The Algebra Project, and the struggle to provide children at the bottom, disproportionately of African descent, with an education required for membership in our 21st-century hi-tech society.
The Bob Moses Speaker Series Conference is an effort to understand where we have been in the struggle to educate our children for first-class citizenship, so that we can chart a course and as Ella would say, “...devise means by which you change that system.”

Paul Parravano
Co-Director, Government and Community Relations,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Danny Glover
Speaker, Actor, Activist, Humanitarian

Dr. Cornel West
Professor, Philosopher, Author, Activist

Nicholas Lemann
Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism; Dean Emeritus; staff writer at The New Yorker

Dean James D. Anderson
Dean of the College of Education, the Edward
William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor of Education, and affiliate
professor of History, African American Studies, and Law at the University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Jarvis R. Givens
Assistant Professor of Education, Faculty Affiliate, African and African-American Studies Harvard Graduate School of Education

Imani Perry
Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, faculty associate, Programs in Law and Public Affairs, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Jazz Studies
Saturday, April 9, 2022
11:30 am - 2:00 pm EST
Speaker Series Lecture & Discussion I
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Speaker Series Lecture & Discussion II
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EST
“Caste in the Classroom” Film Screening and Fireside Chat
Sunday, April 10, 2022
11:30 am - 2:00 pm EST
Speaker Series Lecture & Discussion III
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Speaker Series Lecture & Discussion IV
Who’s invited? Open to the public. Be our guest!
Virtual Location: “Virtual Access” space.
How Do I Participate?
Step 1: This is a public event, please register yourself and up to 10 guests to attend the Conference.
Step 2: Be sure to check your email account that you used to register after you have registered. You will receive an email notification of your registration confirmation. You will also receive a meeting invite with instructions on how to access the virtual conference. You may need to check your clutter and/or spam emails if you do not see your email notification in your inbox. You will also receive a few email updates and notifications in advance of the conference to ensure that you have everything you will need.
Step 3: If you need a brief training on how to navigate the virtual conference, let us know on the pre-registration form. We will send you a short video on the best practices, how-to instructions, and everything you will need to know to engage successfully at the Bob Moses Conference virtual speaker series.
Step 4: Put the Bob Moses Conference on your calendar for April 9 -10, 2022.
Step 5: Check your email account on Friday, April 8 for Bob Moses Conference updates and reminders to make your virtual experience and information accessible.
Step 6: Make attendance a priority.
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